20 Search results

For the term "manage%20users".

Padre Still Crashes on Debian Linux

The linked post was written in 2012 explaining what I think most users of Padre encounter, and therefore I won’t repeat anything already nicely documented there except to quote “And please do not feed me a junk line about it works on my Linux distribution, I do not care. Pretend I am a normal end user for a moment. If...

Privacy Policy

We have made changes to this website to address the new standards introduced by the European data protection law known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). (“We,” “Us,” “Our”) understand your privacy is important. The Site allows you to post or submit comments, such as in response to our blog content. This Privacy Policy describes how and what information...

After Installing Debian 7 Desktop

Checklist of things to do after installing Debian Gnome The first problem you have with a brand new linux (Debian/Ubuntu) install is the user is not setup in sudoers. So first thing: login as root su sudo adduser username sudo sudo vi /etc/sudoers give permissions to your new user – below root username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL alternately – unsecure username ALL=(ALL)...

Create User on Debian

Users and Groups Users are located in /etc/passwd Groups are located in /etc/group The administrative ROOT account is disabled by default in Ubuntu . If you wish to enable the root account, simply give it a password by typing sudo passwd To disable the root account sudo passwd -l root The initial user created by the Ubuntu installer is a...

Apache Permissions on ServerRoot Directories

Apache Permissions on ServerRoot Directories In typical operation, Apache is started by the root user, and it switches to the user defined by the User directive to serve hits. As is the case with any command that root executes, you must take care that it is protected from modification by non-root users. Not only must the files themselves be writable...

How To Manage Fail2ban Using Perl Script On Remote Servers and A Control Mysql Database

Earlier I posted how to use a text file created by a script to similarly manage the rogue IPs that Fail2ban bans. The problem with using scripts and crontab is that it is not reporting in real-time. The method here works in real-time because Fail2ban reports directly to the MySQL on the control server. On each remote you’ll want to...

Setup SSH for Accessing Remote Server Without Password

On the Remote Server Logged in As User or as root but in users home sudo mkdir ~/.ssh sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/* On you local (desktop) assuming you have already created your GPG Keys cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh root@example.com 'cat – >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Fail2ban Mysql Database to Manage Persistent Bans

Step 1 Create Database and Tables in MySQL Add a “source” field for the server name if you want to use a remote database setup (and add it to the UNIQUE KEY).The UNIQUE KEY prevents duplicates of course. But this means you can refresh the perl script without handling duplicates there which would complicate things considerably. CREATE TABLE iptable (...