87 Search results

For the term "time server".

How to Edit the DNS of your Domain Name

This is how to Edit the DNS of your Domain Name (example here is for GoDaddy) The general method is similar at most hosts. An “A record” connects your domain name to your server IP address. This is what allows users to type your domain name in a Web browser to access your website. The DNS (domain name service) translates the...

Enable Pre-login Warning Message on Linux Server

Enable Pre-Login Message Should you wish to display a warning message at the SSH prompt of your server, follow these instructions: Login to your server: sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config uncommment this line #Banner /etc/issue.net add this line to end of file AllowUsers username sudo vi /etc/issue.net enter your warning message. re: ————- W A R N I N G ————- THIS...

Magento Backend Blank Screen

Seems there are a lot of reasons you run into this distressing problem with Magento. So no one thing is certain to solve everyone’s problem. So here is a triag/list of things to do until the problem is solved. REMEMBER TO RESTART APACHE AFTER EACH CHANGE sudo service apache2 restart Uncomment to enable Error Reporting in Magento’s index.php and at...

How To Create A Blank Root For Apache Virtual Host?

If you don’t want Apache to serve the first Virtual Host when you get a request for the server IP. (because that is what is supposed to happen). If someone or somebot is attempting to see what is at the ip address, you can serve a blank page instead as follows: vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf Insert this VirtualHost at the top of...

LAMP upgrade to mysql 5.6 PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress

WordPress Running on Debian 7 LAMP After upgrading to MYSQL 5.6 from 5.5 I encountered several problems, first of which was a completely broken MySQL then Apache2.3 and PHP complained. This ultimately cleaned up the mess: sudo dpkg –purge mysql-client-core-5.6 sudo dpkg –purge mysql-client sudo dpkg –purge mysql-server-core-5.6 sudo dpkg –purge mysql-common sudo dpkg –purge mysql sudo apt-get –purge remove...

Setup Fail2ban for Debian and Ubuntu

My Notes Only taken from various sources. There are other much more complete guides for Fail2ban available. Install Fail2ban sudo apt-get install fail2ban filter definitions located in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d action definitions located in /etc/fail2ban/action.d The following is a minimal setup. Configure Fail2ban sudo vi /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf Configuration for jail.conf destemail = you@example.com # Email of where alerts should be sent to ignoreip...

How To Setup Munin on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Assumption: You will access munin using the server IP adress (there are several ways to setup and access munin, but in a VirtualHost environment it may not be desirable to setup/access via a VirtualHost.) sudo apt-get install munin munin-node sudo vi /etc/munin/apache.conf Allow from localhost ::1 # Replace with this Allow from all # add this line just...

Linux Debian How To Backup System and Data

Command of the Day :: You want to backup a remote machine (server) from a local (desktop) onto the local; type on local/desktop: sudo rsync -azv -e "ssh -i /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa" username@server.seleads.com:/home/username/ /home/username/server_backup_on_local_desktop username@server.seleads.com:/home/username/ (this is the server login and directory being backed up) -i /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa (if you do not want to use password authentication – key is on local/desktop) ——————–...

Setup Apache on Ubuntu Desktop

If you just need to use Apache on your Ubuntu Desktop as localhost, these notes apply. But see the other menu options for Ubuntu/Apache setup/care/feeding on a production server. Ubuntu Documentation for Installing and Configuring Apache/2.2.16 on Ubuntu/10.04 You may be looking for this instead > Install a Linode LAMP Server from scratch Install Apache on/from Ubuntu Desktop using Synaptic...

ddclient for DynDNS Setup on Debian 7

# Configuration file for ddclient # # /etc/ddclient.conf ## ddclient configuration file daemon=600 # check every 600 seconds syslog=yes ## Default options protocol=dyndns2 ## Detect IP with our CheckIP server use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.com, web-skip=’IP Address’ server=members.dyndns.org # log update msgs to syslog mail-failure=user@gmail.com # Mail failed updates to user pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid # record PID in file. ## DynDNS username and password here...