61 Search results

For the term "linux services disable".

Basic Linux Commands

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Tested Linux ls sort by date modified ls -t Linux ls only directories sort directory verbose ls /path/to/directory/* -d -l Linux find and delete files older than X days find /path/to/files* -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;

How To Harden Debian Server

Its not enough to harden just Debain. Its necessary to harden the rest of Apache-MySQL-PHP as well. Harden MYSQL sudo mysql_secure_installation answer Yes to all questions (but no need to change password) Disabling SSH root login and settings sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config change PermitRootLogin yes to PermitRootLogin no LoginGraceTime 120 to LoginGraceTime 30 add line AllowUsers username username username Consider disabling…

Debian Environment Variables

And then I lived happily ever after – Fixed – BASH scripts executed from a user as sudo, resulted in the root ownership. In other words, a backup script executed by user became the property of root

Harden Ubuntu Lamp with Bastille Linux

https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BastilleLinux sudo apt-get install bastille sudo apt-get install perl-tk sudo bastille -x

what is s.ytimg.com

YouTubeIMaGe – s.ytimg.com means YouTube image https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/953550 This is a tracker that you can change as follows https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences If you place YouTube videos on you website, you may not want to place them on your Home Page for speed considerations, as this tracker tends to be the slowest component. Check that here http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/ Pingdom website Speed Test Personally hate Adobe…

Magento Fixes

Clear Magento Cache If something breaks, this is the best place to start. Often the reason Magento crashes is due to someone doing something stupid. Stupid in Magento translates to “enabling or disabling extensions without first disabling the compiler”. sudo /shell php -f compiler.php clear sudo /shell php -f compiler.php disable sudo rm -Rf /var/www/magento/var/cache/* sudo rm -Rf /var/www/magento/var/session/* Clear…

Google Search Parameters Cheatsheet

http://www.google.com/search?q=search+for+this &as_sitesearch=example.com &as_eq=DO+NOT+include+these &prmd=u Turn off personalization &pws=0 Turn off autocomplete &complete=0 Return 30 results per page &num=30 Limit results by country &cr=countryUS &cr=countryDE Specify Language &lang_en – English &lang_de – Deutsch Simulate Button &btnG=Search Disable ads (simulation so that impressions are not counted, links disabled) &adtest=on Find related sites &as_rq=example.com

Handy Linux Directory Rules

Linux Directory Rules rsync -vaz ~/qwerty ~/mydir CREATES a /qwerty directory under the ~/mydir directory COPIES the DIRECTORY and CONTENTS of the ~/qwerty directory into this newly created directory Without a trailing slash / it means “COPY THE DIRECTORY” rsync -vaz ~/qwerty/ ~/mydir Does NOT CREATE /qwerty directory COPIES the CONTENTS of the ~/qwerty directory to the mydir directory A…

Mark Bad Blocks Check Hard Drive Linux

Which disk? sudo fdisk -l Non-destructive read-write test If you want to preserve your data try this first sudo badblocks -svn /dev/sdb smartmon Check to see if your fix worked sudo apt-get install smartmontools sudo smartctl –all /dev/sdb sudo smartctl -A /dev/sdb sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb | grep -i reallocated Use DD to automatically mark bad blocks – destructive if…