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For the term "disable%20services".

Google Search Parameters Cheatsheet

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Customize Debian Linux grub2

I wanted to remove the splash image while booting Debian 7 Wheezy and watch the code execute, while also use the full screen resolution.

How To Harden Debian Server

Its not enough to harden just Debain. Its necessary to harden the rest of Apache-MySQL-PHP as well. Harden MYSQL sudo mysql_secure_installation answer Yes to all questions (but no need to change password) Disabling SSH root login and settings sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config change PermitRootLogin yes to PermitRootLogin no LoginGraceTime 120 to LoginGraceTime 30 add line AllowUsers username username username Consider disabling...

Setup LAMP Server Debian 9 Apache 2.4 MarianDB Php 7

Prerequisite is a fresh remote server with Debian 9 Stretch installed and booted From remote terminal Block all traffic iptable -F iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P OUTPUT DROP iptables -P FORWARD DROP Create a User sudo useradd -d /home/username -m username Set the User’s Password sudo passwd username Add the User to the Admin Group sudo adduser username adm...

Link Building Techniques Under Scrutiny – Google Webmaster

My recent search rank reports indicate that the BuildMyRank.com take-down is not an isolated event. Google seems to have added some formula to the algo that especially targets baclink techniques. The effects are not obvious to the average small business but in my regular SEO competitive analysis reports for clients I’m seeing some websites getting hit pretty hard. And those...

Should I buy that Domain Name from a Squatter?

It is very common to get a mass (spam) email asking if you want to buy a domain name related to your business.  Here’s an example that just came in: Hello ____, my name is Margaret Grady with Fast Moving Domains. autorepairyourcity.com will be listed for sale in the next couple of days. You are one of 50 companies/individuals who...

Joomla Install Extensions Manually Using Rsync/SSH

I’m very surprised how few solutions (How To Guides) there are out there for this issue. If you don’t use FTP to upload to your server (for security reasons), here’s how to install extension in Joomla using SSH(Rsync). That tells me the Joomla community is largely OK with FTP and getting hacked because of it. (there are certainly no shortage...

Create User on Debian

Users and Groups Users are located in /etc/passwd Groups are located in /etc/group The administrative ROOT account is disabled by default in Ubuntu . If you wish to enable the root account, simply give it a password by typing sudo passwd To disable the root account sudo passwd -l root The initial user created by the Ubuntu installer is a...

Privacy Policy

We have made changes to this website to address the new standards introduced by the European data protection law known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). (“We,” “Us,” “Our”) understand your privacy is important. The Site allows you to post or submit comments, such as in response to our blog content. This Privacy Policy describes how and what information...