44 Search results

For the term "add user".

SEO Sitemap

What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a exactly what it says, a map of pages you want the search engines (and people) to know about. Generally they are for search engines to quickly read and index your site. A sitemap is more important for a new website or for a site with poorly designed navigation. But it is widely...

SEO Robots

What is Robots.txt Robots.txt is a file that provides crawl instructions about your site for search engines (bots that crawl your site). It can be used to 1) restrict which directories bots “should”*** not crawl, 2) tells the bot where your sitemap is located. A Robots.txt file is a good idea, and considered an SEO best practice, but is not...

Magento 1.7 Multiple Sites Install on Ubuntu Linux

How To Install Multiple Stores in Magento 1.7 These are my notes. I do not profess to be a professional Magento developer. This guide is for a pure SSH install using Rsync. Now given that you are proficient with SSH and command line Linux, the install of Magento is not difficult if you also can: Create a MySQL database, user...

Revert Ubuntu Desktop Unity to Gnome

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gnome-shell reboot choose Gnome at login sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool Use your browser to access Gnome Extensions Read more about Gnome3 on Ubuntu 12.04 here. Very well written and thorough. Gnome3 Youtube Channel

Install Joomla 2.5 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Assuming Joomla is uploaded to your remote server and unzipped in /home/username/joomla Create your website directory sudo mkdir /var/www/www.example.com Copy Joomla to the website directory sudo cp -Rf /home/username/joomla/* /var/www/www.example.com I use scripts to set Joomla permission at this point. If you run into trouble, it will be because permissions are not set correctly, so I do this by default....

Perl Modules won’t Install on Debian Server

/usr/bin/make — NOT OK Failed during this command: Anytime you cannot get a Perl package to install, here is the likely problem. Run these: sudo apt-get install build-essential What is wrong : a Debian Server install intentionally does not contain development tools for security and efficiency reasons. So when you attempt to run Perl, you find that you can’t get...

Bash PS1 Manual Prompt Variables

PS1=’\[$(tput bold)$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 2)\]\t \u@\h \w \[$(tput sgr0)\] ‘ https://linuxconfig.org/bash-prompt-basics \a : an ASCII bell character (07) \d : the date in “Weekday Month Date” format (e.g., “Tue May 26”) \D{format} : the format is passed to strftime(3) and the result is inserted into the prompt string; an empty format results in a locale-specific time representation. The braces...

Start Reverse Tunnel on boot using autossh for Debian 7

As usual, most of the how-to guides out there are too brief (I’m guilty) or apply to other distros: This works on Linux Debian 7 all-around, and this is a complete how to. It works. You just have to follow a very long thread. No A.D.D. here! We will create a Persistent Reverse SSH Tunnel between 2 machines using autossh....

How To Manage Fail2ban Using Perl Script On Remote Servers and A Control Mysql Database

Earlier I posted how to use a text file created by a script to similarly manage the rogue IPs that Fail2ban bans. The problem with using scripts and crontab is that it is not reporting in real-time. The method here works in real-time because Fail2ban reports directly to the MySQL on the control server. On each remote you’ll want to...

YaCy Crashes

I should officially call this page /about-yacy but (SEO) I know when I wanted to know more about YaCy it was because it kept crashing. So you’ve found yourself here for the same reason this page exists. I hope I can make it easier for a beginner, given that I am probably more ordinary, especially compared to the developers. Since...