61 Search results

For the term "linux services disable".

Padre Still Crashes on Debian Linux

The linked post was written in 2012 explaining what I think most users of Padre encounter, and therefore I won’t repeat anything already nicely documented there except to quote “And please do not feed me a junk line about it works on my Linux distribution, I do not care. Pretend I am a normal end user for a moment. If...

How To Free Linux Cache

These commands will cause the kernel to drop clean caches, dentries and inodes from memory. To free pagecache: sudo sync echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches To free dentries and inodes: sudo sync echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches To free pagecache, dentries and inodes: sudo sync echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches As this is a non-destructive operation, and dirty objects are not freeable, the user should run...

Link Building Techniques Under Scrutiny – Google Webmaster

My recent search rank reports indicate that the BuildMyRank.com take-down is not an isolated event. Google seems to have added some formula to the algo that especially targets baclink techniques. The effects are not obvious to the average small business but in my regular SEO competitive analysis reports for clients I’m seeing some websites getting hit pretty hard. And those...

How To Debug YaCy

This is the beginners guide to debugging YaCy as I have experienced it. This guide is meant for those who have just installed YaCy and need a little help. YaCy NOOBS may not even be able to find the right question to ask in the forum. So I will try to fill that gap here; YaCy seems to be running,...

Magento 1.7 Multiple Sites Install on Ubuntu Linux

How To Install Multiple Stores in Magento 1.7 These are my notes. I do not profess to be a professional Magento developer. This guide is for a pure SSH install using Rsync. Now given that you are proficient with SSH and command line Linux, the install of Magento is not difficult if you also can: Create a MySQL database, user...

Install Truecrypt

Note: When installing Truecrypt on a new linux system, the most common failure (install simply stops without an error message) is due to the permissions of the user. Make sure the user has been added to sudoers group and reboot (or logout and login again), or you will get the massage “user not in sudoers group”. Download Truecrypt Download signature...

Should I buy that Domain Name from a Squatter?

It is very common to get a mass (spam) email asking if you want to buy a domain name related to your business.  Here’s an example that just came in: Hello ____, my name is Margaret Grady with Fast Moving Domains. autorepairyourcity.com will be listed for sale in the next couple of days. You are one of 50 companies/individuals who...

Apache Virtual Host Example

There are so many variation of how to setup Apache VirtualHost that its difficult for a beginner to figure it all out. Here is how I have found works best for a LAMP server that you own. If its not a standard Linux distro (Debian/Ubuntu here) all bets are off. sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/www.example.com copy this code into the file <VirtualHost...

Joomla Install Extensions Manually Using Rsync/SSH

I’m very surprised how few solutions (How To Guides) there are out there for this issue. If you don’t use FTP to upload to your server (for security reasons), here’s how to install extension in Joomla using SSH(Rsync). That tells me the Joomla community is largely OK with FTP and getting hacked because of it. (there are certainly no shortage...

Create User on Debian

Users and Groups Users are located in /etc/passwd Groups are located in /etc/group The administrative ROOT account is disabled by default in Ubuntu . If you wish to enable the root account, simply give it a password by typing sudo passwd To disable the root account sudo passwd -l root The initial user created by the Ubuntu installer is a...