41 Search results

For the term "change%20user".

Magento Backend Blank Screen

Seems there are a lot of reasons you run into this distressing problem with Magento. So no one thing is certain to solve everyone’s problem. So here is a triag/list of things to do until the problem is solved. REMEMBER TO RESTART APACHE AFTER EACH CHANGE sudo service apache2 restart Uncomment to enable Error Reporting in Magento’s index.php and at...

SEO Sitemap

What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a exactly what it says, a map of pages you want the search engines (and people) to know about. Generally they are for search engines to quickly read and index your site. A sitemap is more important for a new website or for a site with poorly designed navigation. But it is widely...

Magento 1.7 Multiple Sites Install on Ubuntu Linux

How To Install Multiple Stores in Magento 1.7 These are my notes. I do not profess to be a professional Magento developer. This guide is for a pure SSH install using Rsync. Now given that you are proficient with SSH and command line Linux, the install of Magento is not difficult if you also can: Create a MySQL database, user...

Harden Debian 7 Server with PSAD

Install Port Scan Attack Detector on Debian 7 Server sudo apt-get install psad sudo vi /etc/psad/psad.conf change these lines EMAIL_ADDRESSES me@seleads.com; HOSTNAME my.seleads.com; HOME_NET NOT_USED; ALERTING_METHODS noemail; IPT_SYSLOG_FILE /var/log/syslog; EMAIL_LIMIT_STATUS_MSG N; ENABLE_AUTO_IDS Y; AUTO_IDS_DANGER_LEVEL 2; AUTO_BLOCK_TIMEOUT 2592000; ENABLE_AUTO_IDS_EMAILS N; Restart psad psad -R psad –sig-update psad -H sudo vi /etc/cron.hourly/save-bad-ips #!/bin/sh PATH=/usr/share:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin /sbin/iptables-save -c > /tmp/iptables-save.txt #echo “SELECT lockdown_IP FROM...

Install Apache on Debian and Ubuntu

Install Apache sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default change AllowOverride None > AllowOverride All in line 11 Enable Apache rewrite and restart Achtung! Don’t forget or things will not work and you’ll waste hours trying to find out why sudo a2enmod rewrite Restart Apache sudo service apache2 restart If no error, its working Optional: The following “example” is used...

Drupal Install Modules and Themes using SSH

If you don’t want to install Drush and don’t want to use FTP (I like a secure server) Install Drupal modules via SSH on Ubuntu Server (12.04 LTS) Assumptions: You have/are… Unix command line proficient Rsync capable Apache2/Ubuntu directories (other flavors of Linux may vary) Download module or theme to desktop Unzip file to an empty directory Upload module or...

Magento Fixes

Clear Magento Cache If something breaks, this is the best place to start. Often the reason Magento crashes is due to someone doing something stupid. Stupid in Magento translates to “enabling or disabling extensions without first disabling the compiler”. sudo /shell php -f compiler.php clear sudo /shell php -f compiler.php disable sudo rm -Rf /var/www/magento/var/cache/* sudo rm -Rf /var/www/magento/var/session/* Clear...

Joomla Permissions Settings

Permissions Settings are the central problem with all CMS. Here is how I set permissions while installing extensions in Joomla. Before and after installing an extension, I use these BASH scripts to change permissions so that nothing hangs. (it almost always does without using these) Optional security tip: If it is possible in your environment, stopping Apache during the install...

Customize Debian Linux grub2

I wanted to remove the splash image while booting Debian 7 Wheezy and watch the code execute, while also use the full screen resolution.