42 Search results

For the term "time%20server".

Install qTox on Fedora

SOLVED It took a while to find that qTox has an AppImage. https://github.com/qTox/qTox/releases By now you figured out that one cannot install qTox on Fedora35 any other way. If you are like me, I thought one could install via dnf. Wrong. There are lots of misleading posts – all very old. Its just not easy to find this solution in...

Perl 24 Hour Sleep Clock

I searched a lot for all kinds of sleep and wake solutions to find everything but what I wanted. Hopefully this helps someone else. Problem: based on a 24hour clock, sleep after 5pm and wake (go back to work) at 8am. Or pause during non-work hours. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $waketime = 8; # sleep when hour <...

Unix-Linux Does Not Require Disk Defrag

I’m a convert to Linux in the last several years. I don’t remember when it happened exactly, but I vividly remember the first time I (tried to) used Microsoft Office 2007, I was sure I was on the right path. Recently some friends have asked me why they should make the migration to Linux. I can list many reasons, but...

How To Fix a missing eth0 adapter after moving HDD from one machine to another

Debian/Ubuntu Linux : How To Fix a missing eth0 adapter after moving HDD from one machine to another. Explanation : Debian and Ubuntu write the MAC address of the ethernet adapter to a file that prevents the eth card in the new machine from being recognized. Delete the lines in this persistent-net.rules file and upon reboot, linux will see the...

Perl Script to Find and Delete Duplicate Files for Backup Purposes

A useful script to remove duplicate files, especially designed for saving space for backup purposes. What the program does; finds all files in a Source Directory, puts them into an array, then finds all files in a Target Directory, putting those into another array (edit accordingly). The arrays are compared for matching file names. Matches are then compared for file...

Magento Backend Blank Screen

Seems there are a lot of reasons you run into this distressing problem with Magento. So no one thing is certain to solve everyone’s problem. So here is a triag/list of things to do until the problem is solved. REMEMBER TO RESTART APACHE AFTER EACH CHANGE sudo service apache2 restart Uncomment to enable Error Reporting in Magento’s index.php and at...

SEO Sitemap

What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a exactly what it says, a map of pages you want the search engines (and people) to know about. Generally they are for search engines to quickly read and index your site. A sitemap is more important for a new website or for a site with poorly designed navigation. But it is widely...

Drupal Install Modules and Themes using SSH

If you don’t want to install Drush and don’t want to use FTP (I like a secure server) Install Drupal modules via SSH on Ubuntu Server (12.04 LTS) Assumptions: You have/are… Unix command line proficient Rsync capable Apache2/Ubuntu directories (other flavors of Linux may vary) Download module or theme to desktop Unzip file to an empty directory Upload module or...

How To Debug YaCy

This is the beginners guide to debugging YaCy as I have experienced it. This guide is meant for those who have just installed YaCy and need a little help. YaCy NOOBS may not even be able to find the right question to ask in the forum. So I will try to fill that gap here; YaCy seems to be running,...

Try Location Extensions Without Address Overrides

What does it mean when you get the message in Google Adwords “Try location extensions without address overrides“? If you setup your Adwords campaign using a Custom Location (such as 20 mile radius around your zip code) AND you entered a Places Extension separately, Google displays this message as a warning that you may be using conflicting Locations that might...