42 Search results

For the term "time%20server".

The Weak Link in Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop

I’ve tried to love Unity. I keep trying every time I install Ubuntu since Unity was introduced as the GUI of choice. I’ve read a lot about UI design over the years, (Doug Engelbart to John Sculley’s Personal Digital Assistant) so I don’t think I’m a curmudeon about it. But I just can’t be productive on a daily basis with...

Block All Traffic to Your New Remote Server

I block all traffic to a new server while I setup users and environment using Netfilter AKA iptables. Nothing else gets in or out of the box but me. This requires 2 scripts actually. One to close the machine to all other IPs but mine, and one to “unblock”. You need to unblock while installing other software, re. LAMP, when...

YACY for Beginners

You may be like me, and understand that Yacy is the only pure, incorruptible privacy solution for search. P2P is the only way to go if you really want private search. All the other methods are either; corruptible (like DuckDuckGo – what a shame), or cannot assure your privacy 100%. So with that in mind, one would really like to...

Fix Magento Missing Images In Checkout Cart

When moving a magento instance to a new server, it seems the product cache exhibits some very strange behavior making a fix to the new server almost impossible after the fact. That means the problem is an imprecise backup and transfer process. The problem seems to be a result of a mismatch between the database and some files (cache).

Madcatz R.A.T.5 Mouse on Debian 7 Freezes – Fixed

Fixed – the RAT5 mouse gets “stuck” in one window, or freezes entirely. The only way to get unstuck seems to be toggling the Mode button. Even when that gets you unstuck, it will happen again, and seems to progressively get worse with time.

Systemd ssh Reverse Tunnel on Debian 9 Stretch

I have used rc.local for years to setup an ssh reverse tunnel on boot under Debian up until Stretch. Now like many others I imagine, I’ve had to convert to systemd. I read everything I could about the choice for deprecating rc.local for systemd. I can say that systemd may be powerful, but systemd’s complexity entails a huge learning-curve for...

Rarely Shown Due To Low Quality Score

You’ll see this annoying message in Google Adwords on the Keywords tab in the Status column “Rarely shown due to low quality score“. What does it mean? And what effect does it have on your ads being served or not? (It depends on your keyword/ads strategy) But as you can see in the image, a short-tail keyword HIGHLY relevant to...

How To Manage Fail2ban Using Perl Script On Remote Servers and A Control Mysql Database

Earlier I posted how to use a text file created by a script to similarly manage the rogue IPs that Fail2ban bans. The problem with using scripts and crontab is that it is not reporting in real-time. The method here works in real-time because Fail2ban reports directly to the MySQL on the control server. On each remote you’ll want to...

How to Edit the DNS of your Domain Name

This is how to Edit the DNS of your Domain Name (example here is for GoDaddy) The general method is similar at most hosts. An “A record” connects your domain name to your server IP address. This is what allows users to type your domain name in a Web browser to access your website. The DNS (domain name service) translates the...

YaCy Crashes

I should officially call this page /about-yacy but (SEO) I know when I wanted to know more about YaCy it was because it kept crashing. So you’ve found yourself here for the same reason this page exists. I hope I can make it easier for a beginner, given that I am probably more ordinary, especially compared to the developers. Since...