20 Search results

For the term "manage%20users".

SEO Sitemap

What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a exactly what it says, a map of pages you want the search engines (and people) to know about. Generally they are for search engines to quickly read and index your site. A sitemap is more important for a new website or for a site with poorly designed navigation. But it is widely...

Start Reverse Tunnel on boot using autossh for Debian 7

As usual, most of the how-to guides out there are too brief (I’m guilty) or apply to other distros: This works on Linux Debian 7 all-around, and this is a complete how to. It works. You just have to follow a very long thread. No A.D.D. here! We will create a Persistent Reverse SSH Tunnel between 2 machines using autossh....

Block All Traffic to Your New Remote Server

I block all traffic to a new server while I setup users and environment using Netfilter AKA iptables. Nothing else gets in or out of the box but me. This requires 2 scripts actually. One to close the machine to all other IPs but mine, and one to “unblock”. You need to unblock while installing other software, re. LAMP, when...

How to Edit the DNS of your Domain Name

This is how to Edit the DNS of your Domain Name (example here is for GoDaddy) The general method is similar at most hosts. An “A record” connects your domain name to your server IP address. This is what allows users to type your domain name in a Web browser to access your website. The DNS (domain name service) translates the...

YaCy Crashes

I should officially call this page /about-yacy but (SEO) I know when I wanted to know more about YaCy it was because it kept crashing. So you’ve found yourself here for the same reason this page exists. I hope I can make it easier for a beginner, given that I am probably more ordinary, especially compared to the developers. Since...

BASH Shell Notes

The BASH Environment BASH executes in this order /etc/environment /etc/profile /etc/bash.bashrc /home/user/.profile /home/user/.bashrc Interactive vs Non-interactive Shell interactive execution order: /etc/profile then the first readable of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile .profile – is read when an interactive login shell is started. /etc/profile ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_login ~/.profile non-interactive execution order: /etc/bash.bashrc then ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc – is read when a non-login interactive shell...

How To Configure exim4 on Debian 9

This setup is for a wordpress server that mail-out submissions on the website and assumes that 1) Outbound only. All mail is sent-out via SMTP. You don't want mail retained on the server. 2) there is more than one recipient, re. one for WordPress form submissions and a webmaster (or root). 3) and you are using Google as your SMTP....

Install Rsync

Rsync Installation Instuctions sudo apt-get install rsync sudo vi /etc/rsyncd.conf copy into rsyncd.conf motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd path = /home/username comment = This is the path to folder on the server uid = nobody gid = nobody read only = false auth users = username secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.scrt change username/servername sudo vi /etc/rsyncd.motd any message you want sudo vi...

Try Location Extensions Without Address Overrides

What does it mean when you get the message in Google Adwords “Try location extensions without address overrides“? If you setup your Adwords campaign using a Custom Location (such as 20 mile radius around your zip code) AND you entered a Places Extension separately, Google displays this message as a warning that you may be using conflicting Locations that might...

Some Bash Scripts to Manage Remote Server

Script to Update and Upgrade #! /bin/bash chmod 700 /usr/bin/apt-get chmod 700 /usr/bin/aptitude chmod 700 /usr/bin/dpkg swapoff -a chown username:username /home/username/* chmod 700 /home/username/* apt-get update && apt-get upgrade –show-upgraded -y Script to End session and Harden some critical files #! /bin/bash swapon -a chmod 000 /usr/bin/apt-get chmod 000 /usr/bin/aptitude chmod 000 /usr/bin/dpkg find /home/username/ -size 0 -exec rm '{}'...